
What am I?

Thought our bear bonanza might be fazing down, our not having seen Smokey for a couple of days. Not so. A good size bear just ran through the woods at the back of the pond. It would be surprising were they fazing down. It’s time for the moms to parade by to show off their cubs. And/or chew on the leg (or whatever) of someone who becomes too familiar. Thus far, only one cub has shown up with its mother. And I can attest to the fact that all of my extremities are present and accounted for. Such as they are. A female deer dropped by with her fawn last night. They noshed on some tasty pond side veggies while enjoying an evening wade. This afternoon, the same pair grazed their way across the bank next to the ledge. We thought, until we saw the fawn, that it was our small buck, Daryl. Of course, it’s possible that Daryl is actually Darylle. Or a foster deer. Or trans-gender. Whatever, I think we’ll let Daryl/Darylle figure that out for him/her self.

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