

Well, the gurus of weatherdom put Woodstock wind speed at a mere 40 mph yesterday. Embarrassing, if you ask me, given what folks in other areas endured. Be that as it may, and it probably will, we dodged a bullet–isobar–whatever. White Face Mt in the Adirondacks got 113 mph gusts. Yup, 113. You can look it up. And 28 ft waves built on Lakes Erie and Ontario. At least one idiot was out surfing in that stuff. As Schiller said “Against stupidity, the gods, themselves contend in vain“.

We lost power at 2pm yesterday and were still on the generator when we went to bed at 11PM. This cold blast started in Alaska and by the time it arrived in the NE US it was really pissed. Some swear that they saw a Mounty blow by, still mounted. Not to mention a parka, a pair of Manitobah mukluks, a dog sled team, an Eskimo, a Russian newspaper and an Inuit school bus. Really.

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