
Early Spring Surprise

Well, never trust Mother Nature. Only yesterday we were luxuriating in the fact that the grass was taking on a subtle hint of green. And the trees were beginning to show some red, if reluctant, small buds. Robins were happily prospecting for night crawlers on the front yard. And the grass carp were cruising the surface of the newly thawed pond, gleefully (Ever see carp get gleeful? Nauseating) foraging for whatever the spring winds had blown down. So what happens? Mother Nature pulls another of her cruel tricks and lets her pal Jack Frost back in the door. The only beneficiaries of this grief are the night crawlers. Even the normally sanguine robins are pissed. Sheesh.


Blue Winter

Winter uses all the blues there are.
One shade of blue for water, one for ice,
Another blue for shadows over snow.
The clear or cloudy sky uses blue twice-
Both different blues. And hills row after row
Are colored blue according to how far.
You know the bluejay’s double-blur device
Shows best when there are no green leaves to show.
And Sirius is a winterbluegreen star. 
Robert Francis

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