
Goose Storm

This morning introduced a lovely, warm laconic day around the pond. The turtles hauled ashore and sunned themselves all afternoon. The fish continued to salvage what little detritus remained on the surface from the recent lawn mowing. A mallard dropped in, loitered around the island for awhile, then took off for some far away Canadian province. Rejected again. .I suppose it’s character building. Our duck and bluebird houses remain empty as well. Our erstwhile foes, the goose family dropped in for an afternoon splash when another pair arrived. Being highly territorial, both families decided that there wasn’t enough room in this small pond for both of them and a goosian gunfight ensued. High noon on Hideaway Pond. It ended when both pairs flew away. Peace reigned again. During late afternoon it began to sprinkle. This apparently inspired the frogs, as they began to tune up and launch into their daily amphibian aura. A bit early, it seemed to us.
Further proof of the prescience that animals seem to have for approaching storms. By the time we retired for dinner, the sky had turned an ominous black. Shortly afterward, the red ribbon of death blasted across the TV with an announcement (at a decibel level no doubt heard in Topeka, KS) that a violent storm was on the way. Here in our little green enclave, we lucked out. Just wind and heavy rain. We hope that neighboring areas are equally fortunate. Mother Nature can be a mean old broad.

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