
Memorial Day 2019

Someone once asked me, during our discussion on the subject–it must have been at Thanksgiving–what the things were for which I was most grateful in life. This, for what it’s worth, is the note that I sent in response. I stumbled upon it during foraging around in my history file while looking for something else. I was ready to blow it away when it occured to me that it’s appropos to this coming Memorial Day. Without the sacrifices of the time and lives of the men and women of our armed forces, these things would not be what they are today. To them, I’ll be forever grateful.

I’m grateful for the Universe because it contains all things material, without which there would be nothing–no Earth, no sun, no moon, no stars, no flowers, no birds, no fish…..no life……………..no us…………..none of the beautiful and marvelous things that we cherish and enjoy ……….nor even those things that we dislike or fear………The universe is, after all……..universal.

I’m grateful for Time because it contains our past, present and future. Without these, time would be eternally empty……..no rise of civilization, no wonderful scientific discoveries, no great past or future explorations……there would also be no disease and no war nor other evil or unfortunate things…….. Time is impartial.
Physicists tell us that without time there would be no space, and that would make things quite crowded, wouldn’t it? Then, there are those who laughingly say that without time everything would happen at once. For whatever reason, I’m grateful for time.

I’m grateful for Thought because it is the wellspring of so very many of the wonderful blessings of life. Without thought there would be no music, no art, no great books or poems, no dance, no comedy, no great religions, no innovation…………none of the many other things that nurture and give us pleasure.

I’m grateful for Love because it sustains and fulfills us. Love is, in fact, one of life’s blessings that often involves little or no thought, whatsoever. Those whom we truly love we love unconditionally.

That’s beautiful………….


A tear for the fallen.

2 thoughts on “Memorial Day 2019

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