
Hideaway Island Gets a Haircut

It’s been very busy around the pond, lately. A mom deer dropped by to show off her new fawn at sunset. Our first of the year. This one couldn’t have been more than a couple of days old. I mean new. It was still wearing a price tag. Mom was in a celebratory mood. She was wearing her beautiful Spring wardrobe of tawny red. Good to see. Most of the deer we’ve seen lately are still in their drab winter gray, Jack Frost having been so reluctant to yield his cold icey grip on the area. Sadly, both mom and fawn were too far away and concealed by trees to get a good photo. Later. They’ll be back. She won’t want to wander too far until the little thing’s legs are up to it.

There was lots of noise and action on the pond yesterday. The island got a thorough haircut. One day with a bush hog and hedge clippers and it’s a thing of absolute tonsorial beauty. The pond being so full due to recent heavy rains, it appears to be floating.

The migratory season seems to have waned. Most of the ducks that have dropped in have done so just to grab a bite, poop and leave. Guess that comes with the territory. Offloading a little weight no doubt lends to their aerodynamicy. Nice to know that we’re on their preferred list of pit stops. Is there such a thing as a bird Zagat?

Aside from the random chipmunk, squirrel and, of course Chuck (Charlotte) the groundhog, that’s about all of the recent excitement around the pond. Soon as I catch my breath, I guess I’ll turn in.

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