
Breakfast Time for Bambi

It’s been busy around the pond for the last couple of days. Most action has been on the deer front. Two does came by to introduce their fawns yesterday. A small buck came by at sunset to graze at pond side near the porch. They seem to like that area. Gotta try it sometime.
We came out to the porch for breakfast this morning and found a young doe giving her fawn its own breakfast in the front yard. Mom didn’t move a muscle for a good 10 minutes while breakfast was being served. Unfortunately, the little critter chose the spigot opposite the house. If you look very carefully, however, you can see it on Mom’s underside. So we didn’t get a good photo of the action side of the meal. Obviously one that was going nowhere. As we expected, this was precursor to nap time for Bambi. So she began preparations to hide it while she went foraging for groceries. Or whatever Mom deer do when they hide their offspring. I didn’t ask. The preparation for this process involves profuse licking. Especially around the–um, anus. Strange, but the fawn seems quite sanguine about the whole thing. Apparently it’s just another day at the orifice for Junior. Though most likely not something you”ll find in “Parents” magazine. For that matter, probably not the high point of Mom’s day. But, then, what do I know about the depths of a doe’s motherly love? Anyway, whatever works. As you can see from the photos, does can be very innovative in concealing their little people while they’re away. I’ve nearly stepped on a couple in the past while I was working around the property. Shari very cautiously took the following photo while she was out getting the mail. Incidentally, Mom came back for Bambi and everyone lived happily ever after.

Bedtime Lullaby

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