
Starling Invasion

It’s been quiet around the pond this week. A Tom turkey has been loitering for a couple of days in the woods near the back of the pond. The high grass has gone to seed back there. He varies his menu with an occasional foray to the island, where he probably finds much the same boring fare. Turkeys are not given to very sophisticated epicurean taste. Perhaps he’s too old to chew anything else.

A great blue heron has been dropping in once a week with larceny on its mind. It usually purloins a couple bass children before launching off into the blue. No thanks. Ungrateful cad.

The lawn was mowed yesterday. The grass carp followed the mower as the pond side grass was sheared. They gorged on the clippings that were thrown into the water. The bass had a carpe diem moment. They ambushed all of the crickets, grasshoppers and other unfortunate creepy crawlies that were in the fall out zone. Icky, but it’s provender. 

A few woods turtles are enjoying the weekend by soaking up some late summer sun on the lawn. I think it would get pretty toasty inside those shells. Suppose they get a tan in there? Nah.

The mushrooms that grew near the porch are gone. And with them, the small deer that feasted on them every evening. There’s a rumor among the critter set that some of those fungi were of a psychedelic persuasion. Really. No, really. Word must have gotten around, however. Two beautiful little does just came by and grazed for awhile next to the porch. 

The quiet was interrupted today by a sure sign that Mother Nature is slowly drawing the curtain on summer. A massive flock of of migrating starlings, some walking, some flying, invaded our placid little enclave. The trees, woods and lawn were dark with them. A feathered, crawling, flying river of black that flowed through the lawn, air and surrounding woods. Disappearing as soon as it arrived. On its inevitable way south.

Starling Invasion

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