
Autumn Mosaic

Things have been very busy around the pond during the last few days. To begin, the fish were premature in their celebration of the alleged departure south of the dreaded heron. He lingers. Worse for them, we watched him catch and brutally devour one of their beloved brothers today. Mother Nature can be a cruel old crone.

A dozen mallards emerged from the pond side brush yesterday morning. Apparently they had overnighted. They puttered around the pond for most of the morning before launching into the blue and onto the avian birdway south. Their departure may have been encouraged by two eagles who circled hungrily over the pond beforehand. No self respecting duck wants to be some predator’s fast food on the fly.

The deer have suddenly become very active. Two does grazed at the side of the pond last evening. Both already garbed in the dark robes of winter. A four point buck sauntered through the yard and grazed past the ledge into the woods today. Probably rehearsing for the oncoming rutting season. Just missed the two does and a fawn that dropped by this evening. Some days are like that.

A very melodic and persistent cricket on the deck outside the porch has been serenading us well into the evening every day. Only knows one tune, but, if it’s happy, we’re happy. Before long it will have found a winter home or gone to the great cricket match in the sky.

The trappings of Autumn are becoming more evident every day. One of the maples in the front yard, always a harbinger of fall, has changed colors first. The crimsons are a darker crimson. And the oaks that overhang the house are beating a loud staccato of falling acorns on the roof and deck.

The squirrels, of course, are enjoying the bounty. I’ve seen a few with acorns in their mouths so large that I wonder if they’ll ever get their jaws closed again. According to one, it’s going to be a cold winter. That is if you can believe a squirrel.

It’s been said that winter is an etching, spring a water color, summer a painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.

Good closing to a beautiful late summer day. The last piece of the mosaic.

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