
Bird and Buck

It’s been a quiet and colorful Sunday around the pond. The green leafy cocoon that surrounded us during the summer months has changed into a riot of reds, oranges and golds. Autumn foliage. It should reach its peak in a week or so. Then the color will slowly taper off to expose a view of Overlook Mountain. Our “back yard” and front face of the beautiful Catskills. Sunrise will turn it pink during cloudless winter mornings,

The sun has dropped further south, casting a lengthening shadow since the long bright days of June. And sunset has moved from behind the mountain, now peeking through a patch of trees on the island. Darkness creeps in an hour earlier. Time moves hand in hand with the onset of autumn chill. Harbinger of the gradual approach of Jack Frost’s cold grasp. (Shudder).

Meanwhile, much of the wildlife has abandoned us for the time being. The bears focus on fattening up for their long hibernation. Mom will be house hunting for a warm den in which to birth her cub(s). The deer are in the process of guaranteeing a healthy population of spring fawns. Rutting season is in full swing. Happy days are here again.

We received a pleasant surprise when we moved to the porch for lunch today. What appeared at first to be a duck was a juvenile sharp shinned hawk. The little guy was taking a bath in the shallow water next to the island. It continued to enjoy itself for about 15 minutes, apparently unconcerned by our invasion of its privacy. It then flew to a nearby pine to dry off. It may have been taking a time out from hunting local prey such as small birds and rodents. Or it may have been visiting our little road side rest en route to the south with its fellow raptors. Whichever, we welcome it and hope that it fares well. Anywhere, according to our local field mice, but here.

Skip ahead one day:

As we drove away on an errand in the early afternoon, an eight point buck stood at the end of the driveway. He remained still as a statue and watched us for a full minute before dashing off toward the pond and into the woods. Thus filling our drama quota for the day

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