It’s been quiet around the pond. Mother Nature’s mood swings seem to have slowed. Her transition from the warmth of late summer to the cool of autumn has taken a little longer than usual. Maybe it’s my imagination. Or maybe, like me, she’s a bit reluctant to move on. It was, after all, a beautiful summer. The autumn colors have clung until the last minute. After weeks, the oaks have dropped the last of their acorns. And with them went the rattle of their percussion on the roof and deck. Silence.
Even the critters have been relatively quiet and retreated further into the woods. Probably seeking a little privacy. It’s the time of year when family planning goes on. I think we owe it to them to avert our eyes and leave their modesty intact.
All of this, until last night. Mother Nature finally threw a tantrum and a noisy cold front roared out of the southwest. Sixty knot gusts, the weather gurus tell us. And swirling winds banged hail off of the sides and roof of the house. All night. By morning, many of the trees had been stripped naked and their colors had fled northeast. Poor things. Must have been embarrassing.
The morning aftermath of the storm greeted us with three large tom turkeys. They wandered down the mountain and pecked their way across the yard. Oblivious to the drumbeat of approaching Thanksgiving. And well they should be, really. It’s much easier to hunt down a dressed turkey at the local supermarket than to trek the Catskills for one. Most folks opt for the supermarket species.
Joining us to share the sunny afternoon was a beautiful six point buck. He strolled past the pond and through the woods next to the ledge, stepping over one of last night’s blowdowns on the way. Then silently up the drive and into the woods beyond.

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