
Mergansers & Mallards, Oh My

More Hideaway Pond action. As though the recent bear and squirrel bonanza were not enough excitement.

Two pairs of mallards and five hooded mergansers splashed down on the pond today. The first of the migration season. Perhaps harbingers of an early spring? One hopes.

The mallards puttered quietly around the shore, seeking whatever edible goods they could find among the shallows and dead grass. The mergansers entertained themselves all afternoon, diving for mystery items on the bottom. Not sure what was down there, but it was apparently worth their birdly time. I didn’t ask. There were raucous interludes between dives. During these, riots of noisy splashing and wing beating took place among the mergansers. Shameful behavior. They acted as though this were their own personal avian spa, for cryin’ out loud.

It appeared that both the mergansers and the mallards were preparing to bed down for the night as darkness fell. They’ll no doubt have fled north by sunrise.

Meanwhile the fish, by now beginning to stir from their winter long slumber, may wonder what all of that racket is up on their watery roof. But, then, fish are not known for their mental acuity. In fact, if you wanna know, they’re downright dumb. Don’t tell them I said so. They’re also very sensitive and insecure. Ever see an insecure fish? Not a pretty sight.

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