
Critter Caravan

An interesting hour around the pond. A critter caravan, of sorts, has just dropped by. You’ll notice that the small doe, pretty as she is, looks a bit shabby. The little lady is not, as one might think, a homeless mammalian waif. She is, instead, in the process of shedding her drab winter coat for the lovely rust wardrobe of spring. A cervidean Cinderella if you will. One might think, from the pose, that the turkeys are not on speaking terms. They are, in fact, looking over their shoulders at the deer. They have just completed a staring contest with the it. One born out of mutual curiosity, I assume, there being nothing territorial between the two. I’ve seen turkeys and deer behave this way before. In fact, turkeys will stop and stare at just about anything. Actually, they’re pretty dumb, if you ask me. I once saw a flock of about six assemble around a freshly fertilized patch of grass and stare for about an hour. They have amazing eye sight, but I’m convinced that their sense of vision has sucked all of the energy out of every other sense in their tiny little brains. The geese are included in this small album because they’re always hanging around. And they’re just too damn mean and intimidating to deal with. You may notice that the photo of the wood ducks, if blown up, is a little bit blurry. They may have been into the fermented swamp grass again. On the other hand, were I blown up, I’d probably be a little blurry too

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