Blog: Hideaway Pond—April 18, 2022—
Easter sailed in on a lovely “pink moon last night. The gift of a beautiful Algonquin legend. The April full moon was given its name by the Algonquins to match the color of the woodland flox that blooms this time of year.

And yesterday a crystal blue cold front blew in bright sun, dark clouds and intermittent snow showers. Vernal schizophrenia.
Many water birds have left local streams, lakes and caught the feathered freeway north. Our pond is now a roadside rest for mallards and Canada geese. The vanguard of their brethren still on the way.
Turkeys race each other across the yard to reach cast off seeds covering the ground beneath the bird feeders. One male usually reigns over an adoring harem. He often becomes so entranced by his own image that he abandons his charges. And falls in love with his reflection in the front storm door. Much elaborate preening and tail flairing ensue. Not to be out shamed, a male cardinal has recently been seen engaged in the same disgusting narcissistic behavior. Sans flairing. Note to bird: If you don’t have it, don’t flair it.
And a pair of blue birds has moved into the bird house that hangs on a maple tree near the pond. We look forward to becoming parents.
Female deer will soon be dropping the yearly issue of new fauns. Some graze by in twos and threes. An occasional lone buck will saunter through, long ago having forgotten those glorious old days of rutting season. Soon, however, his memory will recover and he’ll begin to grow a new pair of antlers. His weapons of choice for the forthcoming rutting season. Rutting season. A testosterone circus.

A pink moon rode the Catskill skies last night. She’ll continue to light them as she fades into next month and the beautiful “flower moon” of May. So called because of…what else? The beautiful flowering shrubs of May. Meanwhile, we savor memories of Easter’s “Pink Moon”. And flox.

The new version is wonderful! Educational, entertaining & full of humor….perfect musings by Bob.
Thanks Deb! Glad you took the time to check it out! (;=)
Entertaining with a bit of education!
Just show’s ta go ya. I see by the time on your comment that you saw the earliest rough shod version. The finished masterpiece was posted this evening. I don’t know that it’s entertaining and educational but it has some purdy flowers on it. (:-)