
Lost Love

Things around the pond have involved ultra rapid action today. Thus it has been impossible to capture a digital version of the excitement. Just as well. The duck police would probably have absconded with it anyway. So please have faith in the following account. And a smidgeon of imagination.

We found two male wood ducks already on the pond when we arrived on the porch for lunch. They dabbled around the island for about an hour. A female wood duck then splashed down, quickly getting their attention. They flew directly to the female, inspiring her to take immediately to the air. (Wood ducks have notably poor “pickup lines”). They circled the island twice at an altitude of 2 ft, the female in the lead and the males in swift pursuit. They then buzzed the house, splashing down next to the island.

Whereupon the female and one of the males indulged in some of the most vulgar distasteful x-rated aquatic acrobatics we’ve ever witnessed. You don’t wanna know. We had to avert our eyes.

The amorous pair then flew away, leaving the second male the odd man out. The poor thing sulked in the high grass for the rest of the afternoon. Even the noisy splash down of an arriving mallard failed to arouse his interest. Nor the geese, as they did their evening waltz around the island.

Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. —Alfred Lord Tennyson.

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